If you have been impacted by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred and require assistance with your fines or fees, call us on 1300 138 118 to discuss your options. Read more
Some online services will be unavailable this weekend.
Revenue NSW
Taxes, duties, levies and royalties
- Make a payment
- Land tax
- Payroll tax
- Property tax
- Transfer duty
- Royalties
- Gaming and wagering
- Health insurance levy
- Insurance duty
- Parking space levy
- Foreign buyers and land owners
- Motor vehicle duty
- Passenger service levy
- Emergency services levy
- Income tax equivalent regime
New payroll tax rebate for medical centres with contractor GPs
A new rebate has been made available from 4 September 2024. The rebate is available for medical centres who bulk bill a majority of their GP services. Click the arrow to find out more including detailed eligibility criteria.
Fees and Fines - Revenue NSW
Pay now or learn about your options to manage your fines and fees including setting up a payment plan.