Preparing for the 2024-2025 parking space levy tax year

24 June 2024

In preparation for the 2024/2025 parking space levy tax year, we have provided some key information which may be useful.

Parking space levy notice of assessments for the 2024/2025 tax year are calculated based on liable parking spaces in the preceding financial year 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024.

Due date for annual return and payment

Submit your annual return and payment by 1 September 2024

Revenue NSW will commence issuing parking space levy annual return notifications in July 2024.

The annual return covers your parking space details from 1 July to 30 June of the preceding tax year. Your 2024/2025 assessment notice will be calculated based on liable spaces in the preceding tax year (1 July 2023- 30 June 2024).

When you lodge by 1 September, you will be provided with the following payment options:

  • Pay in full by 1 September
  • Pay in quarterly instalments due by 1 September, 1 December, 1 March and 1 June.

If you do not lodge an annual return by the due date, a notice of assessment will be issued at the full rate, and you will not have the option to pay in instalments. If you do not make a payment by the due date, interest and penalty tax will be applied. Daily interest is calculated on any overdue balance.

Information required

During the annual return process, you will be required to provide Revenue NSW with information regarding your parking space owned during the previous tax year.

When lodging your annual return, we may ask you for the following information:

  • your contact details including phone number and email address
  • how many car spaces you own
  • documents supporting exemptions claimed
  • details of ownership changes.

The 2024/2025 parking space levy rates

The rates used to calculate of parking space levy are gazetted around 30 June each year. Revenue NSW will publish the updated parking space levy rates on the Revenue NSW website.

Selling a parking space within a leviable district

You must advise Revenue NSW of any changes in the ownership of a parking space within a leviable district.

If you elected to pay by instalments, payments must continue even if the car space is sold prior to the last instalment due date.

If an owner does not advise Revenue NSW that they have sold their car space, liability for the parking space levy will remain in their name and they will continue to receive an annual notice of assessment.

You can advise us of the disposal of your parking space by lodging an annual return or lodging a change of details request via your parking space levy account.

Update your notifications preference to email

Parking space levy notifications can be sent directly to your inbox. To opt in for digital notifications:

  1. Log into your parking space levy account
  2. Select notification delivery preference
  3. Select electronic as your notification’s delivery method

You will receive an email to your nominated email address where you will be required to verify your email to complete the process.