The Coal Royalty Return is changing

05 June 2023

New information will be required on coal returns effective 1 July 2023

The changes allow the calculation of the value of coal recovered to align with the ‘Mining Act 1992 – Determination under section 283(5) – concerning ad valorem coal royalties’ (the Determination).

Please see information below about these changes that are effective from 1 July 2023.

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Why are we making changes?

A review of the coal royalty return was undertaken with the aim to improve and better align the return to the governing legislation.

What’s changing?

Return Frequency

Return frequency for coal customers will be monthly and there will no longer be an annual (13th) return.

Coal leaseholders who are not producing, may be permitted to report annually (i.e. nil returns), thereby lodging one return in July each year.

Tool tips

Tool tips have been added at each data entry point to assist you with completing the return.

Document upload

Documents such as sales registers that relate to the disposals in the royalty period can now be uploaded with your lodgement to support the data you have entered in the return.

Data entry fields

Changes have been made to the data entry fields in the return.

The royalty return consists of three sections. Click on the headings to view more details.

1. Assessable revenue (formerly "production")

What will be included in this section of your royalty lodgement from July?

This section requires you to input details of the coal that has been disposed of during the royalty period. This only applies to the coal that was recovered from your mining lease.

Export disposals

This is coal that was recovered under your mining lease and is for consumption at a destination outside of Australia.

Domestic disposals

Coal that was recovered under your mining lease and is consumed or to be consumed within Australia.

Other disposals

These are disposals of coal not otherwise captured by ‘Export disposals’ or ‘Domestic disposals’.

Foreign exchange gains and foreign exchange losses

Foreign exchange gains and losses are now reported separately on the return.

Interest received or receivable

You can now report any interest received or receivable in respect of coal sold during the royalty period on an extended credit basis.

The reporting of colliery sales and loans of coal will change from July.

Colliery sales

If coal is sold to another colliery, then it is a domestic or an export disposal and is reported as such in the return with an arm’s-length AUD value.


A loan of coal is a disposal that is required to be reported in the return as a domestic or export disposal with an arm’s-length AUD value.

What will not be included in your royalty lodgement from July?

The following items are no longer required in the calculation of royalty.

Invoiced purchases

Coal that you have purchased is not required to be reported in your royalty return. This is coal that has been recovered by another leaseholder, who will be including the value of that coal as a disposal in their own royalty return.


Similar to invoiced purchases, ‘borrows’ is coal that has been recovered by another leaseholder and therefore not recorded in your return.

2. Allowable deductions (formerly "deductions")

What will be included in this section of your royalty lodgement from July?

The Determination permits beneficiation costs, certain levies and other charges that have been approved by an authorised officer as allowable deductions. The return now provides more detail for each allowable deduction.


You only enter the tonnes of coal subject to each beneficiation method (‘full wash’, ‘simple wash/wet jigging’ and ‘crushed and screened’). When you enter the tonnes, the return will calculate and populate the AUD value field.


You separately input the AUD amounts relating to each levy: Coal research levy, Mine subsidence levy, Commonwealth levy for long service leave and Mines rescue levy.


An authorised officer may make a determination which allows other charges paid or incurred to be claimed as an allowable deduction.

What will not be included as allowable deductions in the royalty return from July?

Realisation and insurance costs have been removed from the return.

3. Royalty calculation

This section of the return is automatically calculated based on the data you enter. No data input will be required.

Negative amounts cannot be entered in the return

Where the value of coal recovered results in a negative amount, the value of coal recovered will be zero.

Any questions?

You can talk with our team from 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday or contact us in writing.

By phone: 1300 139 817 or +612 7808 6915 (if overseas)

Send an email: [email protected]